Thursday, September 13, 2007

September - Happy Birthday to Mikaela!

Planet Waves declares:

Aries (March 20-April 19)
There is just one way to avoid dramas at work, and that is to focus on work. There is one way to avoid health dramas, which is to focus on your health. In both aspects of your life, you are facing a significant threshold, yet the easiest and most productive thing to shift is your point of view -- that is, your attitude or position with respect to these fundamental aspects of existence. For the moment, where other people are concerned, that position might best be a bit remote or removed. Certain people seem poised to shake the tree, when your calling is decidedly in the direction of patient effort, focus and long-term accomplishment. You are laying a foundation now for when Pluto crosses your career angle and your role in the world begins to take on entirely new proportions and undergo some profound changes. The foundation involves learning to set priorities and being able to maintain your integrity when that becomes the last thing on the priority list of others who are influential in your professional environment.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
A combination of aspects is suggesting that you pay close attention to your local environment. Local means walking distance or short driving distance from where your feet are at any given moment. Pay attention to the room you are in, the neighborhood you are in, the town you are in, and what you find when you are walking around or traveling at a slow speed. Current aspects suggest that your immediate surroundings will be giving you plenty of feedback, including information about whether you need to be there or not. Yet all the ongoing and impressive astrological developments have particularly vivid meaning for those who consider themselves people of letters: writers, programmers and idea-people of all stripes. In years of working as a journalist, I have often noted that the most important stories and projects choose me. This is one of those moments when your next assignment will choose you, and while details are still forthcoming, the one thing we know is that it will be interesting.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
September's partial solar eclipse in your birth sign happens on a day associated with high drama, which is often a ruse for deception. Keep an eye on this syndrome. Keep both eyes on your integrity. The best thing that will come from events this month is that you'll finally open up to the influences of someone who has been trying to get through to you for a long time. Either that, or a circumstance beyond your control does the job for you. Lighten the impact and deepen the positive influence by making your own choice to reconsider an idea that for too long has seemed necessary but impossible. While you've learned to be open to change in recent years, it hasn't always been easy. But you know the struggle comes down to this: it's not always possible to respond to the passion that drives you forward and still reckon your choices with logic. Events this month will go a long way toward demonstrating that you don't have to think things make sense in order for them to do so perfectly.


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