Wednesday, November 09, 2005

New Month, New Communion with the Starts... Stars .... I mean stars!

(March 20-April 19)
We're in the thick of Mars in Taurus retrograde, and I wonder what you're thinking. Mars allegedly hates to be retrograde, but in light of the human development project that has emerged since the days of ancient Greece, old astrological views need to be rethought and revised. This rare transit is giving you an opportunity to do just that with your values and deepest beliefs, particularly the ever-sensitive matter of how you feel about yourself. Yes, you're an Aries -- you have the ability to go forward no matter what. And you are human; all humans doubt themselves. Events, developments and your introspective journey during this phase, which goes through Dec. 11 but unfolds for at least a month beyond, will help you get to the bottom of those doubts, and to find some genuine treasures within. There's an added benefit: what you learn about yourself now will provide valuable experience for a leadership opportunity that manifests early next year.

(June 21-July 22)
Few people can relate to others on the intuitive level that's so natural to you. In the most sensitive affairs of life -- sex, creativity and communication -- most of the world goes for pre-packaged, with sugar and salt being the first two ingredients. True to your sign, you are the homemade type in all that you do. There is a significant shift developing in your environment, allowing you to open and expand your energy in a way that you and others will feel and notice. What you may also notice is a shift away from the distinctly cautious approach you've taken to life for so long, perhaps with good reason, probably with some frustration. Saturn leaving your sign started the process; Jupiter and the Sun entering your sympathetic sign Scorpio are a definite continuation in the right direction. Sensuality may not be your main purpose in life, but you are now free to drink from that well.

(Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
I'm not big on recommending spiritual solutions; too often, they are evasions. But you have a lot to gain from looking at your situation from any angle that's different than the one from which you're now looking at it. There's a particular way the past is weighing heavily on you, so if the tides of existence pull you in the direction of inquiring in that territory, I suggest you go with the flow and not worry that you're dwelling on what you should have got over long ago. But the future is calling just as vividly -- that future being a way of understanding yourself now that helps you notice clearly what affects you in this moment, and what does not. Once again, the issue surrounds noticing under what conditions you feel safe, and actually documenting the threatening influences that are lingering like so much radioactivity from ancient history. But you have to find it to clean it up.

Catch your own stars at Planet Waves.


Blogger Maggie said...

Best horoscope this month goes to a certain Cancer for reasons that are very, very obvious!!!

10:06 AM  

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