Friday, January 05, 2007

Not funny, Eric Francis

Okay Mr. Eric Francis, so we were calling you Brian for a long time... we corrected that. And no, none of us subscribe to your weekly horoscopes (we can get them for free in iQ!), and we haven't purchased any of your special astrology reports, either, but...

We're obsessed! We're hooked! And now it's the late date of January 5 and we have no idea what this month will bring! Please publish your January horoscopes. Please! I know you're finishing your other project first, but what's a girl to do without you?!

Dying here, floundering aimlessly under the overcast 'is it really going to snow again?' sky...



Blogger mjae said...

I hear you, Mags. I sprinted to Planet Waves last Monday morning only to be told I'd have to WAIT A WEEK. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? Go a whole week into January without your assistance, tip-toeing around our fates without warning? Then only have 3 weeks of vision until the month ends, and we have to dash again to the shores of your wisdom? What gives, Mr. Liberty? You liberal oasis of hope... How bout protecting free access to the stars, man? I'm all for a fair wage, but this is DESTINY, man. Come on!

10:28 PM  

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