Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy V-day, Lloyd, We Love You!

Mikaela says:
This is the first year in many that I've noticed Valentines Day. It's everywhere, and it helps that I have a sweetie that makes me all cheesy.

Even so, it's good to remember that this is a constructed holiday. A holiday co-opted like so many by our capitalist consumer economy.

There are fun things about it this year. One highlight was a rundown on NPR of really obnoxious ads trying to get men to buy really ridiculous things using Valentines Day as an excuse: a propane fireplace, high-speed internet, hair removal at a spa, a furnace with digital thermostat...

And the best thing about today so far was a Washington Post feature about our favorite movie man ever, Lloyd Dobbler from Say Anything, who explains our obsession with all things John Cusack. We all know John is a bit of an asshole, and he's never really lived up to his greatness in any other role. But Lloyd Dobbler wouldn't have been so Lloyd without him. So we forgive him for all his faults. Even Ice Harvest. Happy Valentines, Lloyd and John. We heart you always.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should check out Chuck Klosterman's musings on John Cusack/aka Lloyd Dobler in "Sex, Drugs & Cocoa Puffs." He writes, "I once loved a girl who almost loved me, but not as much as she loved John Cusack... It appears that countless women born between the years of 1965 and 1978 are in love with John Cusack... but here's what none of these upwardly mobile women seem to realize: They don't love John Cusack. They love Lloyd Dobler." Brilliant observation. Happy v-day!

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just realized said book is quoted in the washington post article. oops. i swear i read this about two years ago and couldn't agree with Klosterman more...

3:22 PM  
Blogger marjorie said...

i love john cusack.

10:31 AM  

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