Walk the Line

marjorie says...
I finally saw Walk the Line last night, and was very pleased by the performances. Both Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon were really great. I’m amazed that they are the ones doing the singing-truly incredible performances.
This movie is very much about the personal life of Johnny Cash--it’s a great love story actually and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
But at the same time I guess I’m a little disappointed. Music was very prominent in the movie, of course, because both Johnny and June were performers to the core. But in terms of the music being the point, of looking at how Johnny’s music evolved, the movie was pretty silent. It also did not show how deep his relationship was with all the Carters, or, for that matter, really get across how phenomenal that family is. If you really love what I guess we could call roots country music, I think this movie teases you a little.
Nonetheless, I was very entertained. In particular I loved that the film showed the early touring through North East Texas. I’m from right in the middle of Texarkana and Tyler, and grew up listening to my dad tell a story about seeing Elvis on the same type of touring act seen in this show. I believe it was the show in this list on September 26, 1955. He and his friend took a short cut through the back of gym on their way out and ran into Elvis sitting in a chair with his head immersed in a bucket of ice water. He looked up at them as they came through and commented on how hot it was. Yes, it goes without saying that it was very hot in there!